Who we are
National Insurance VimoSEWA Cooperative Ltd. is a multi-state cooperative promoted by SEWA and aims to provide social protection to informal sector women workers and their families. It is a standalone, multi-product and full-service delivery insurance entity in which women members are themselves users, owners and managers of all services.

Our principles
Our relations with our members extend beyond just providing insurance schemes. We aim to ensure a holistic experience for them and bring broader impact for community. Our efforts are guided by following principles:
- Financial protection: Our products provide coverage for various contingencies including wage-loss, hospitalization expenses, asset-loss and death due to accident and natural cause. It gives much needed financial protection to low-income family.
- Mutual Assistance: Our insurance schemes protect its members from different financial risks and help each other in times of need from the premium they collectively contribute, thereby ensuring mutual assistance.
- Self-reliance: We aim to promote self-reliance by designing affordable premiums and the low-cost model for universal and easy access. The operational profit is plough back for development of organisation and shares it with the members as dividend. It makes both member and organisation self-reliant.
- Integrated Services: We aim to provide different preventive and curative health services, livelihood related protection and other risk management services in close collaboration with different institutions. We provide member education and extend linkages to our members with different SEWA sister organisations in an integrated way.
- Policy action: Our aim is to influence and bring member centric policy formulation to cover the risk of low-income segment and actively promote policies that ensure the widest possible social protection through microinsurance.

With the insurance money I received after my husband’s death, I paid off our debt and bought a small shop. I had not understood the benefit of insurance until after his death, and I am very thankful to VimoSEWA’s member for convincing me to get insurance. Had it not been for the insurance money, my daughter would have been compelled to drop school and work”- Ushaben, Gujarat”.

“I have been working with SEWA for past 5 years as a community-leader. I was insured with VimoSEWA under the COVID insurance. I was tested positive of Corona virus and received claim amount of INR 25,000 against hospitalisation expense and INR 3,900 as wage-loss support. This support proved to be a blessing for me and my family. With this financial support, I was able to pay my hospital bills and other expenses”