National Insurance VimoSEWA Cooperative Ltd. is an insurance co-operative, aims to provide financial protection to the self-employed women workers and their families. We got registered in 2009 under the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002 with the Department of Agriculture and Cooperative, Ministry of Agriculture (GoI).

We are the first cooperative working in the field of microinsurance and both insurance-policyholders and share-holders are women only. 4,766 women from 5 states (Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan) are individual shareholders and 11 membership-based organizations of the SEWA movement are institutional shareholders.

Our core values of Solidarity, Self-Help and Financial Sustainability, envision for a space where the members are able to attain the trust in the organization and align with its motto of “VimoSEWA ka Haath Sankat me de Saath” which roughly means that the VimoSEWA will be supporting each member in any kind of unforeseen crisis and unprecedented risk.

We at VimoSEWA do not only focus on Insurance services but also work towards member education and awareness about various aspects of social security and financial risk management.

VimoSEWA members are also integrated into much wider SEWA movement. The members have access to a wide range of services that are available through SEWA’s different sister organisations.

Informal-sector workers face several financial risks in their life and their economic situation remain precarious despite being very active contributor of our country’s economic activity. Since the beginning, SEWA felt the dire need of social security for women informal workers. It is observed that most of the household incomes in poor families are spent in covering health and other contingency expenses.

During one such study in mid-80’s, it was observed that many of SEWA Bank members are spending their saving and loan on emergency expenses like sickness and death of main bread-earner in the family. In response to it and to protect SEWA members against any such financial risk, it adopted various social protection measures in partnership with public sector insurance companies in 1992. However, it was evident that SEWA members needed much comprehensive and integrated insurance service. Therefore, after several discussion and amendments an independent insurance programme was established as VimoSEWA.

VimoSEWA was established with the prime objective to support the informal sector women workers and their families to achieve financial sustainability and help them to mitigate the financial risk during the time of crisis.

  • Our Vision

 A just and equitable society which provides basic security and protection to all, enabling them to move towards self-reliance.

  • Our Mission

Comprehensive microinsurance services will be provided in a manner that is both financially sustainable and promotes decision-making and control by women workers of the informal economy. Appropriate and affordable products and services will be developed to cover their life-cycle needs, and those of their families.

VimoSEWA’s Board of Directors comprises of a group of 12 members coming from diverse area of expertise. These board members are elected representatives of shareholders and professionals from insurance sector.

Sr.  Elected Members Role 
1 Ms. Aasha Ajmeri  Chairperson (Elected)
2 Ms Minakshi D Solanki Elected Member
Ms. Bhagvati S Dave Elected Member
4 Ms. Kailash P Koli Patel Elected Member
Ms. Seema Mahindar Elected Member
6 Ms. Rekha D Surve Elected Member
7 Ms. Ramila D Parmar Elected Member
8 Ms. Payal Upadhyay Nominated Member
9 Ms. Padma Dekate Nominated Member
10 Ms. Naimisha Joshi Nominated Member
11 Ms. Mirai Chatterjee Advisor
12 Ms. Ruchi Agarwal CEO
13 Ms. Vishakha R.M. Advisor